Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust Announces 2025 Funding Windows
The Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust (SCLT) is delighted to announce the opening dates for its 2025 funding windows, offering crucial support to charities across Scotland working to improve the lives of children and young people.
Our funding windows in 2025 are as follows:
First Funding Window – Medium Fund
Opens: Monday, 10th March 2025, 12 noon
Closes: Friday, 28th March 2025, 12 noon
Grant Available: Up to £10,000 (Medium Fund)
Funding Announcements: By the end of May 2025
Funding Distributed: By the end of June 2025
Eligible charities can apply for grants to support projects and activities that address issues such as poverty, financial hardship, social exclusion, or disability. The Medium Fund aims to support impactful initiatives, including but not limited to:
Practical family support (food, clothing, shelter)
Support for single parents or parents of preschool children with disabilities
After-school care and holiday cover with educational support
Youth clubs, employability training, or one-to-one mentoring programmes
To be eligible to apply for a Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust Medium Fund grant, applying organisations should meet the following criteria:
The organisation applying should be a registered charity in Scotland with a charity bank account. It should also return annual accounts.
The money is for a project delivered in Scotland.
The charities accounts are up to date.
Work with the most vulnerable children, young people and families at a demonstrably high risk of being negatively impacted by poverty.
Demonstrate involvement of individuals and communities that understand and have experience of the issues that poverty presents.
Work outside, or supplementary to, statutory responsibilities.
Clearly demonstrate positive impacts and can deliver end of grant analysis reports.
We ask for charities to have a level of match funding in place to support their project or activity.
We will not fund:
Statutory agencies or projects or activities which are a statutory responsibility.
We do not accept applications for any charitable arm of a Local Authority, Arms Length External Organisations (ALEO’s), Housing Associations or their charitable arms.
We do not accept applications from Community Interest Companies (CIC).
A project or activity that takes place outside of Scotland.
Retrospective or deficit funding or repayment of loans.
Administration costs (including marketing and IT).
Projects or activities undertaken by any organisation other than by registered charities.
Projects that require funding for more than one year.
Charities that are in receipt of an active grant award from Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust.
How much can you apply for?
The Medium Fund will allow applying charities to apply for a funding grant of up to £10,000.
Examples of projects or activities that we may consider funding include those delivering:
Practical family support including food, clothing and shelter.
Support for single parents including parenting skills, health and nutrition.
Accessible and affordable daycare or play facilities.
support for vulnerable parents with preschool children or families with pre-school children suffering from any type of disability.
Provision of after school care/holiday cover ensuring time and resource for additional educational support.
Provision of specific IT/educational equipment for socially deprived children or children suffering from any form of physical or mental disability.
One to one mentoring of children struggling within school because of family circumstances.
Support for community libraries and learning spaces.
Community based leisure and sporting programmes.
Local youth clubs and recreational activities.
Employability and skills training within a local community.
Mentoring or one to one support, building the self-confidence and skills required to enter the employment market.
How we will fund
Applications for funding which satisfy our guidance and are received before the closing deadline of the funding window will be presented to and assessed by the Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust Board of Trustees. The final decisions as to the award of funding will be determined by the Trustees.
Application Milestones
Interested parties complete application form.
Applications are reviewed and a shortlist is prepared.
Further information may be required (including by interview and/or project/activity/charity visits).
Shortlist presented at quarterly meeting of Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust Board of Trustees.
Terms of Funding of successful applicants issued and accepted.
Funding issued to successful applicants.
As a successful applicant, your registered charity/SCIO will have to wait 12 months from your initial project funding start point before reapplying to Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust.
An unsuccessful applicant will be informed when they can reapply to Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust.
We will work with all successful applicants on an appropriate marketing and media plan.
All successful applicants will be required to complete impact analysis on the completion of their funding award period. This will be discussed in more detail with the applicant in advance of the funding award period ending.
Second Funding Window – Small Fund & Bright Futures Fund
Opens: Monday, 15th September 2025, 12 noon.
Closes: Friday, 3rd October 2025, 12 noon
Grants Available:
Small Fund: Up to £5,000
Bright Futures Fund: Grant details to be announced soon
Funding Announcements: Mid-November 2025
Funding Distributed: By the end of December 2025 (or earlier for Christmas/December-related activities)
The second window will focus on smaller projects and activities, alongside initiatives aimed at creating brighter futures for children in Scotland.
How to Apply
To apply for funding, eligible charities must submit their application through our online platform within the specified funding window. Please note that applications will only become available on the platform once the funding window officially opens.
Important Information:
All applications must be completed and submitted before the deadline
No extensions will be granted, so we strongly recommend submitting your application well in advance of the closing date to avoid last-minute issues.
Each application will be thoroughly reviewed by the Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust Board of Trustees, who will make the final decisions on funding awards